This an eye shadow gives us much better than we expect from it ….
I do like dark shades and this is a shade that I was looking for ages.
Many of us won’t even go near this shelf because it is just for £1
I am never like that if It is something I like, the price is not important I will go for it.
I tried this at the store, It was difficult for me to reach the top shelf and test the eye shadows, as I am not very tall., at the end after few jumps I reached them and I tried many shades and this is one of the MUA eye shadows that like the shade.
Unexpectedly these are very well pigmented, I love the stay on my eyes even without a primer,
This shade has pearl finish, actually I am not a fan of pearl finish type of shadows but I am loving this one. Maybe it is because it is dark purple, violet, nearly blackened purple..
It looks pearly but it is not that pearly on the eye

This eye shadow is Made in China as most of the eye shadows …
MUA is availiable @ Superdrugs just for £1, that is what I call bargain!!!